Pearl Education and Immigration Consultants
Why study in Singapore?
By choosing to study abroad in Singapore, international students have an opportunity to not only be plugged into an education system that promotes excellence, but also be a part of a global community.

International students can choose an exchange experience with Singapore's public universities such as National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) or Singapore Management University (SMU) on a tuition-waiver basis. For more information on eligibility and application for exchange programmes.

Singapore is an island city-state with a diverse cultural and linguistic heritage and a thriving modern economy. It is a centre of global commerce and trade, with one of the world's most business-friendly economies. With limited natural resources, the success of Singapore is based on its population's entrepreneurial capabilities and drive to succeed.

In 2005, Singapore was host to over 70,000 international students. The Singaporean Government is committed to see international education grow, and by 2015 plans to attract 150,000 students. The combination of Asian schooling and Western-style practices has made Singapore an educational hub in Asia, and a number of international institutions, such as INSEAD, MIT, University of Chicago amongst other top-ranked global universities, have created satellite campuses there to serve as a launch pad for their entrance into Asia.

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