Pearl Education and Immigration Consultants

Free Practice Tests
If you're looking for a job or a promotion then you've probably spent hours preparing your resume and getting ready to face some tough interview questions.

But, what if you're expected to sit a psychometric test or aptitude test?

With over 75% of the world's employers using aptitude tests as part of their recruitment process
To make sure that you are prepared you need to practice these tests.

Psychometric Tests

More and more companies are using psychometric tests when making recruitment and promotion decisions. Investing time and energy in getting to grips with psychometric tests can supply the extra edge you need to succeed.

Personality Questionnaires

Competition for good jobs is fierce. You need to know what employers are looking for and how your personality measures up to it. Learn how to dramatically improve your score and frame your answers to get the job you want.

Aptitude Tests
Find out how to increase your speed and accuracy in numerical, verbal and abstract reasoning tests. Learn the techniques you need to answer tricky spatial and mechanical reasoning questions. Includes examples of all types of aptitude test question plus the hints and tips you need to succeed at these demanding tests.

University and Graduate Admission Test

If you are trying to secure a place on a professional or vocational course at a university or graduate school then you may need to take a standardized test, particularly for courses which are heavily oversubscribed, for example medicine, law and dentistry.

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