Pearl Education and Immigration Consultants
Why study in Germany?
The attractiveness of Germany as an educational destination for international students is determined by five key points:
Quality of education
Education accesibility / entry barriers
Personal security
Employment prospects
Quality of education
As one of the world's largest and most technologically advanced economies, Germany is a very attractive academic destination. Its leading position in research and development as well as excellent standards of teaching account for the excellent reputation as a high quality education provider.

Educational accessibility
In recent years, entry barriers for international students have been reduced by the introduction in Germany of Bachelor and Master Programmes, adapted to international standards and credit systems. International programme accreditation plays a decisive role in student placement, as the majority of students after their graduation return to their home country. Thus, the degree received abroad is only of value to the student if it is acknowledged in their country of origin.

Personal security & lifestyle
Germany provides a very attractive living environment due to a high level of perceived safety. Moreover, Germany - the geographic "heart of Europe" -  can boast a rich cultural and historical background. Due to the very well developed infrastructure, the country enjoys an ideal location for living and studying. This attractive living environment combined with its position as a technologically highly developed nation, makes studying abroad in Germany a positively memorable experience.

Employment prospects
In Germany, as elsewhere, employment prospects heavily depend on the economic situation. However there is an increasing need for highly trained and qualified employees, which are also increasingly being recruited from the international labour market.
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